Root AsusTranformer TF101 and install ICS using CyanogenMod 9
WARNING: This can brick your device, if you don't know what you are doing, STOP here.
I used on my transfomer with ASUS ICS 4.0.3 build
I used on my transfomer with ASUS ICS 4.0.3 build
- From linux just install android sdk from google.
And then run adb commandlien tool from SDK_FOLDER/platform/tools/adb - unzip
- Use the EasyRecoveryV0.4.bat file as a reference, read all comments and execute all adb comnands from top to bottom.
Instructions for linux
# ##########################
# Next I'm going to 'push' the recovery file to your TF.
# Ignore its screams of pain, the operation is quick.
# Just wait a minute...
adb push recoveryblob /sdcard/
# Now lets flash.
# Please note that I'm not responsible for bricks or nuclear war!
adb shell mv /data/local/tmp /data/local/tmp.bak
adb shell exit
# Going...
adb shell ln -s /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /data/local/tmp
adb shell exit
# Done!
# Now lets reboot your TF!
adb reboot
# ##########################
# Let your TF *TOTALLY* reboot.
# Now we flash the recovery. I hope it is not offended.
# If you do, you might have a *Very* shiny paperweight.
# Starting... This will take awhile...
adb shell dd if=/sdcard/recoveryblob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
adb shell exit
# Done! You should see some reported #s above.
# ##########################
# Now we reboot the TF again, you'll see a blue bar.
# It will take awhile to fill, then you have recovery!
adb reboot
# ##########################
# Again, wait for it to *TOTALLY* boot.
# Pushing superuser to your tf.
adb push /sdcard/
# Done!
# Now that you have recovery, reboot to recovery works, but it's lazy.
# I recommend you *always* use the combination VOL-DOWN and POWER!
# This helps you out in a situation where you can't boot, or something.
# For now though, I'll help get you into recovery for the first time.
# When you reboot it, hold down Volume-down, then it says..
# Checking for RCK, then you press Volume-up, and you're in!
# Rebooting tab...
adb reboot
# If you mess up and it boots, just turn off and try again.
# It's Volume-down plus power, then wait a few seconds..
# Then press Volume-up and you're in.
# You're in, but... Now what?
# Don't worry, it's really easy.
Touch 'wipe' then touch 'wipe cache'
Touch 'wipe dalvik-cache'
Go back, and hit install.
Hit install from internal.
Choose the and hit yes.
# Once that's done, you're rooted! -high five-
# Reboot your TF, and revel in the hard work you just did!
After rooting your Asus Transformer TF101 you should do a full nandroid backup of the current ASUS stock 4.0.3 rom to the sdcard using the recovery you just installed.
If you would like to install CyanogenMod 9 on your TF101, you can use the "ROM Manager" available on Google Play. Use ROM Manager App to install ClockworkMod recovery, this is required by "ROM Manager" and then use "ROM Manager" to download the latest daily build of CyanogenMod 9 available on the "Download ROM" option and download the google apps.
Reboot into recovery from "ROM Manager"doesn't work with the current version of "ROM Manager", when your TF101 reboots you need to use the volume down followed by volume up, to install the ROM.
Install will take while, after that CyanogenMod 9 will boot.
Download Youtube apk from here
How to restore to stock Android
If you would like to install CyanogenMod 9 on your TF101, you can use the "ROM Manager" available on Google Play. Use ROM Manager App to install ClockworkMod recovery, this is required by "ROM Manager" and then use "ROM Manager" to download the latest daily build of CyanogenMod 9 available on the "Download ROM" option and download the google apps.
Reboot into recovery from "ROM Manager"doesn't work with the current version of "ROM Manager", when your TF101 reboots you need to use the volume down followed by volume up, to install the ROM.
Install will take while, after that CyanogenMod 9 will boot.
Install youtube app is missing from google apps zip file downloaded by "ROM Manager".
You can install the apk below to have youtube in the TF101 with CyanogenMod 9, it works with hd videos perfectly. other google apps are available from Google Play store.
You can install the apk below to have youtube in the TF101 with CyanogenMod 9, it works with hd videos perfectly. other google apps are available from Google Play store.
Download Youtube apk from here
How to restore to stock Android
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