Ubuntu 12.4 install notes
Also related with install of Ubuntu 12.04 is my other post Ubuntu 12.04 review on Lenovo Q150.
Add medibuntu repositories by running the commands below and use Software center to add the packages you need.
sudo -E wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update
For google applications add one by one, the apps will add the repositories of the apps you install.
Minitube and Vlc:
Download the mac 12.04 iso for 64 bit (for EFI boot support) and boot your mac with it, it's the easiest method.
Sensors (temps & fans)
Mac boot startup keys
Add medibuntu repositories by running the commands below and use Software center to add the packages you need.
sudo -E wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update
sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update
sudo apt-get install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
sudo apt-get install non-free-codecs ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdcss2
For google applications add one by one, the apps will add the repositories of the apps you install.
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
Minitube and Vlc:
sudo apt-get install minitube vlc
For MacBookPro users
Download the mac 12.04 iso for 64 bit (for EFI boot support) and boot your mac with it, it's the easiest method.
Sensors (temps & fans)
To enable proper detection of sensors edit /etc/modules:
gksudo gedit /etc/modules
Add to this to end of file, save and reboot:
Bug report filed to track this not being part of the stock install.
To get the Macbook fans to work properly you will need to enable the Mactel PPA and install macfanctld.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mactel-support/ppa sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install macfanctld
For more info on macfanctld
man macfanctld
Temperature, fanspeed, environmental light and keyboard backlight can be controlled over the sysfs exported interface at /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/.
edit your to look like this /etc/macfanctl.conf
# Config file for macfanctl daemon # # Note: 0 < temp_X_floor < temp_X_ceiling # 0 < fan_min < 6200 fan_min: 2000 temp_avg_floor: 36 temp_avg_ceiling: 55 temp_TC0P_floor: 50 temp_TC0P_ceiling: 58 temp_TG0P_floor: 50 temp_TG0P_ceiling: 58 # Add sensors to be excluded here, separated by space, i.e. # exclude: 1 7 # will disable reading of sensors temp1_input and temp7_input. exclude: # log_level values: # 0: Startup / Exit logging only # 1: Basic temp / fan logging # 2: Log all sensors log_level: 0
Wireless card
The Broadcom driver was not installed by default, you either need to connect your MacBookPro to the internet and allow the installer to download updates while installing. Or use System->Administration->Additional Drivers to install the STA drivers.
Sometimes it won't allow you to install the Drivers from "Additional Drivers" (specially with PAE Kernel) So, you will need to install the firmware manually:
sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter
Then, you need to reinstall bcmwl:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source
Touchpad (bcm5974)
The touchpad works out of the box. Uncheck the "Enable mouse clicks with touchpad" checkbox under the Touchpad tab, and enable two-finger scrolling from the preference->mouse->touchpad applet. Then the touchpad will work just like in OSX. Clicking and holding with one finger and dragging with the other work like a dream. Furthermore tweaking the drag and drop time to be less may be help.
LCD Brightness Control
(taken fromhttp://www.voria.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1091):
If backlight control does not work for you, follow these instructions, this also enable PowerControl for the screen using the nvidia driver to keep temp down and battery life longer:
- Edit the file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' and add this line into the Device section:
Option "Coolbits" "1" Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1; PowerMizerEnable=0x1; PerfLevelSrc=0x2222; PowerMizerLevel=0x3; PowerMizerDefaultAC=0x3"
Mac boot startup keys
Keystroke | Description |
Press C during startup | Start up from a bootable CD, DVD, or USB thumb drive (such as OS X install media). |
Press D during startup | Start up in Apple Hardware Test (AHT). |
Press Option-Command-P-R until you hear startup sound a second time. | Reset NVRAM |
Press Option during startup | Start up in Startup Manager, where you can select an OS X volume to start from. Note: Press N to make the the first bootable Network volume appear as well. |
Press Eject, F12, or hold the mouse or trackpad button | Ejects any removable media, such as an optical disc. |
Press N during startup | Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot). |
Press T during startup | Start up in Target Disk Mode. |
Press Shift during startup | Start up in Safe Boot mode and temporarily disable login items. |
Press Command-V during startup | Start up in Verbose mode. |
Press Command-S during startup | Start up in Single-User mode. |
Press Option-N during startup | Start from a NetBoot server using the default boot image. |
Press Command-R during startup |
Start from Lion Recovery1
1 Available on Macs that ship with OS X Lion. Some CPUs require an EFI BootROM update to support this feature.
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