Ubuntu 9.10 3D Desktop

Ubuntu Jaunty 9.10 alpha3 with the latest updates as of 2 AugUG 2009.
compiz, emerald and cairo-dock are enabled.

The demo was recorded with gtk-recordmydesktop and uploaded to you-tube without changes.

I used a Thinkpad T400s with a Intel gfx chipset. The cool thing here is that 3D support on the Intel gfx chipset looks to be fixed and works great with compiz on the new Ubuntu 9.10

The video was recorded at 1440x900 15fps with the apps running at same time, it looks a bit sloppy, but on the screen of the t400s it looked very fluid and smooth.

I think gtk-recordmydesktop was not able to grab all the video glory from the video card.


  1. ack! I just tried to switch to the ATI 3D driver and now I can't boot into the graphic environment. Can you help? Or point me in the right direction? I have tried to remove all of the fglrx drivers and to restore my original xorg.conf but it still isn't working!

  2. Delete your xorg.conf, and reboot that should make ubuntu auto detect your card and pick the correct driver.

    What version of Ubuntu are you using?


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